Saturday, August 1, 2020

Beware The Great Bifurcation

The original working title for this installment of The Jackpot Chronicles was “Mandatory Pollyanna”. That’s the one where central planners and bureaucrats manage to “save” the global financial system yet again, but at a cost of undertaking an LBO of the entire economy and running it as a centrally planned utility. I’ve decided to rename this scenario “The Great Bifurcation”, because should it come to pass,  I think the the inevitable result  would be the emergence of an even more pronounced and starkly divided Two Tier Society. It is arguable that the groundwork for TGB was laid as far back as the adoption of central banking and fiat currency, which gave asymmetric advantages to the class of elites closest to the monetary spigots: This was known as far back as the late 1700’s when Richard Cantillon wrote his treatise on Economic Theory… “An 18th century French banker and philosopher named Richard Cantillon noticed an early version of this phenomenon in a book he wrote called ‘An Essay on Economic Theory.’ His basic theory was that who benefits when the state prints a bunch of money is based on the institutional setup of that state. In the 18th century, this meant that the closer you were to the king and the wealthy, the more you benefitted, and the further away you were, the more you were harmed. Money, in other words, is not neutral. This general observation, that money printing has distributional consequences that operate through the price system, is known as the “Cantillon Effect.” Why Wall St. Gets a Bailout and You Don’t, by Matt Stoller Today it’s not the King’s courtiers who benefit, it’s who is in closest proximity to The Fed: primary dealers, investment banks, hedge funds, private equity, venture capitalists and corporate monopolists. Even in Cantillon’s day, when he enumerated the various ways new money could come into the kingdom, it was all the result of actual money entering via conquest, trade, mercantilism, or taxation. The choke point then under any scenario was the sovereign, and those in court tended to do well whenever the money supply increased. Now, imagine having the ability to print “value” out of thin air, and then exchange it for equity stakes in the means of production, the way central banks can today. Imagine being able to do that for the world’s reserve currency. Then try to imagine that power and wealth diffusing through society equally and proportionately. You can’t, because it doesn’t. It won’t. It never has. So today we’re hit with this pandemic, which I’ve said before isn’t the cause of the economic dark age we’re now entering but a catalyst of it. This unidirectional wealth transfer has to be spun in a way that the marks (the subjects) don’t understand they are being robbed blind. They have to want to be leached into poverty. They have to demand it. This is the underlying logic of ideas like Universal Basic Income, and descriptive rationalizations like Modern Monetary Theory. To the rabble, it looks like the government finally set aside any silly notions of fiscal prudence in order to further build out the welfare state for the good of society. There is an entire segment of the population who is now taking home more money from government stimulus and bailouts than they were when they were “working” for a living. What is really happening however, is that the fiat currencies which are being printed into existence and distributed to the underclass in the form of various stimulus and aid packages are essentially being transformed into a kind of “company scrip”....[    ] The post Beware The Great Bifurcation appeared first on NewsCetera.

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